December 11-12: Sophia Symposium on Advanced Electrolyte Materials for Energy Storage and Conversion (Hybrid) 

The 2024 Sophia Symposium on Advanced Electrolyte Materials for Energy Storage and Conversion will be held on December 11 and 12 at Sophia University, Tokyo. This is a hybrid event, so it is possible to participate both online and IRL. The co-chair of GCT Materials for Energy Conversion and Storage, Prof. Masahiro Yoshizawa-Fujita, is organizing this symposium with several […]

MIRAI Researchers Featured on IVA’s Annual 100 List!

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We’re excited to share that researchers from MIRAI universities have been included in the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA) annual 100 List of the most promising research projects in Sweden. This list showcases a wide range of research projects from Swedish higher education institutions, focusing on timely and impactful themes. The projects chosen have […]

Call for Seed Funding from the STINT Grant is now OPEN!

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Call deadline: 28 February 2025 Researchers from Japanese and Swedish MIRAI member universities will be able to jointly propose a project idea which falls within one of the GCT areas that has the potential to lead to a longer and potentially more substantial collaboration. MIRAI especially encourages projects: Find the complete instructions and form below:

First MIRAI newsletter has been published

The November edition of the MIRAI newsletter has be sent out our community of researchers, posdocs, PhD students and university respresentatives in Sweden and Japan. This is the first of many newsletters to come with the latest news, events, funding opportunties and much more. If you have not received the November newsletter via email, please […]

Summary from the General Assembly meeting in June

Zoom meeting MIRAI GA June 2024

During MIRAI 2024-2026’s General Assembly held digitally on Tuesday, June 18th, 2024, several important decisions were made regarding the advancement of the main project’s objective, namely, to work collaboratively to contribute to solving Global Challenges.  The General Assembly, serving as the central decision-making body for MIRAI and composed of representatives from all 17 member universities, […]

STINT approves SEK 10 million in strategic funding to MIRAI

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The Swedish Foundation for International Cooperation in Research and Higher Education, STINT, has reached the decision to grant SEK 10 million to MIRAI for the period 2024-2026. Researchers from 17 universities in Sweden and Japan will work in interdisciplinary teams focusing on global challenges. The four “Global Challenges Teams” will be addressed through to development […]

JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship Program (Short-term)

STINT, The Swedish Foundation for International Cooperation in Research and Higher Education, in collaboration with the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) award scholarships for research stays in Japan. The JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship Program is open for research in all fields of the humanities, social sciences and natural sciences. JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship Program […]

MIRAI research collaboration leads to scholarly publications

MIRAI 2.0 successfully implemented many research activities during 2020-2023, both online and physically. A total of 51 seed funded research projects were established and they have shown promising results, such several joint scientific publications. Below are some examples of peer-reviewed journal articles published during the second phase (2020-2023) of MIRAI: Michael Annear, Sofi Fristedt, Teerapat […]

The MIRAI collaboration enters a new third phase

The MIRAI collaboration project between Swedish and Japanese universities has now entered a new three-year period for 2024-2026.  Increased collaboration across disciplines and sectors will be in focus, to address societal challenges such as climate crises, pandemics, and an ageing population. During this new phase, the MIRAI collaboration aims to take a new direction with a […]

Swedish-Japanese research and innovation week in Umeå attracts strong interest

During 13-16 November, the MIRAI 2.0 Research and Innovation Week 2023 was held at Umeå University in Sweden with more than 240 researchers, students and university management representatives from Sweden and Japan in attendance. Participants were able to take part of each other’s research, compare experiences and networking to find ways for future collaborations and […]

Call for workshop proposals within the research area of Sustainability

Teachers, researchers and PhD students at MIRAI2.0 member universities are given the opportunity to submit a workshop topic, plan the workshop, and then run it during Research and Innovation Week 15-18 Nov, 2022 in Fukuoka, Japan. The workshop can be one hour, half day or full day. We especially encourage proposals from early career researchers […]

Research Internship Opportunities and Research Grants in Japan

Here you find information about research internship opportunities and research grants in Japan for PhDs, Post-Docs and researchers.

Funding opportunities for joint activities

Updated information about funding opportunities for collaboration between Swedish and Japanese universities can be found here.

Moving together towards a sustainable future, MIRAI seminar, 12-14 November, Stockholm/Uppsala

From 12-14 November, MIRAI will bring together researchers, university leaders, funding agencies and decision makers from Sweden and Japan to discuss how we can together move towards a sustainable future. The programme of the seminar can be found here.

MIRAI workshop on innovation eco-system and entrepreneurship, 2-5 June, Tokyo

The roles and functions of multiple actors in the Innovation Eco-System will be examined and discussed extensively by stakeholders of universities, industries, funding agencies, and governments during afour day workshop hosted by Waseda University. Knowledge and methodology for effective entrepreneurship education will be shared and discussed for future collaboration in Sweden and Japan. More information […]