Innovation & Entrepreneurship
Tentative program
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9:00-12:00 (SE)
16:00-19:00 (JP)
Entrepreneurship Eco-Systems in Sweden and Japan
The session gives the audience an overview of the innovation and entrepreneurial eco-system outside the academia both in Sweden and Japan. Examples will be given based on experience from starting venture from academia, practical student entrepreneurship as well as the perspective from a larger company.
Dr Malin Graffner Nordberg, Uppsala University
Opening and introduction to the session
Yuki Sugiue, Sony Corporation
Industrial-Academia collaboration with Sony and University of Tokyo (20 mins)
Pernilla Isberg, Associate Director, AZ BioVentureHub AB
Open innovation in an industrial context – a collaborative interplay between SMEs and big pharma (30 mins)
Akio Nishizawa, Tohoku University
Why “Eco-system” emerges? and What “Eco-system” can clarify? (30 mins)
Johan Lilliecreutz, Linköping University
Swedish map on innovation and entrepreneurial ecosystem (30 mins)
Patrik Bångerius, Karlstad University & Philip Gratell, CEO Drivhuset Uppsala
Developing students’ entrepreneurship – 28 years of the Drivhuset experience (30 mins)
Itaru Homma, Tohoku University
Wrap up (15 mins)
9:00-12:00 (SE)
16:00-19:00 (JP)
The role of context and culture in entrepreneurship education
Over the past decades, there has been a surge in entrepreneurship education at academic institutes worldwide. Many entrepreneurship programs and courses are characterized by similar content and methods, such as design-thinking, the business model canvas, and different types of reflections. However, when applying general models, it is important to consider the role of culture and context. Japan and Sweden have similarities but also differences that are important to reflect on when developing entrepreneurship education in higher education.
Toru Tanigawa, Kagoshima University
How should we develop the right entrepreneurship education in Japan-My experience in Kyushu University
Leona Achtenhagen, Jönköping University
Entrepreneurship education in Sweden, experiences, reflections, and opportunities
Mattia Bianchi, Stockholm School of Economics
Learning design thinking, lean and agile: does the cultural and social context matter?
Group Discussion
Participants will be divided into smaller groups discussing key questions related to entrepreneurship education and possible research opportunities
Reporting back from the groups
9:00-12:00 (SE)
16:00-19:00 (JP)
How to plan your research impact with UCD impact planning canvas
Impact Planning Canvas is a tool for identifying the possible impact and planning for how you can achieve it in the best way. Based on research results and on the researcher’s terms. After an introduction of the concept as well as being introduced to the tool you will have the possibility to use your own research as a base for the exercise. The session will be held in break-out rooms where practical help and guidance from an experienced innovation advisor will be given for individual support.
Facilitator: Urban Bergquist, Linnaeus University
Academia/Industry Matchmaking Event
9:00-12:00 (SE)
16:00-19:00 (JP)
Artificial intelligence and the future of healthcare for older populations
The MIRAI2.0 Innovation and Entrepreneurship Advisory Group (IEAG) organises a matchmaking event that will offer a great opportunity for academics, researchers, and industrial players from both countries to network, present research progress and address new challenges, while identifying potential ideas for future collaboration and seed projects.
Following the event, VINNOVA, the Swedish government innovation agency, will launch a call for proposals to award funding to new collaborations between Sweden and Japan in AI, Ageing, Sustainability, Material Science and Innovation/Entrepreneurship.
Closing Ceremony
10:45-12:00 (SE)
17:45-19:00 (JP)
Reporting from parallel scientific sessions (all topics)
Information about funding opportunities
Closing remarks
Akio Nishizawa
Professor Emeritus,
Tohoku University
After leaving the Graduate School of Social Sciences majoring in Economics, Tsukuba University, with getting full credits for the Doctoral Course, Professor Akio Nishizawa started working at the Japan Associated Finance Co. Ltd., where contributing to establishing Japan’s first VC investment partnership fund, and expanding similar VC funds consecutively from Japan to Asian, European and the US. Due to health conditions, resigning General Manager of Corporate Planning Department and Director of Nomura/JAFCO Investment (Asia) Ltd., VC-arm of JAFCO in ASEAN Region, headquartered in Singapore.
Associate Professor of KEIWA College, Faculty of Humanity, then changed to Professor of the Graduate School of Economics & Management, TOHOKU University, and also involving in academia-industry-government collaborations introduced by National Government to save Japanese economy from long stagnation called as “Lost Decade” toward the end of 1990s. Being President of Tohoku Techno-arch Ltd., Special Advisor to the President and Deputy Director in charge of COI Management, and Professor Emeritus of TOHOKU University. For these activities, “Bayh-Dole Award 2005” presented by the US AUTM.
Johan Lilliecreutz
Professor Emeritus,
Linköping University
M.Sc in Industrial Marketing, Linköping University. Ph D in Industrial Marketing from LiU 1996 with focus on lean production in the automobile and aircraft industries, Post doc at MIT, Boston Mass 1997. Co-founder and Vice President at CMA Research (spinn out from LiU) 1996-2012. From 2012 CEO at the Linköping university Holding at LiU. The holding company holds a portfolio of 27 start-up, an incubator ( and student consultant company ( Member/chair in multiple company boards. Chair at the national association of Swedish university holding companies (
Yuki Sugiue
Sony Corporation
After graduating from the University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Engineering in 2008, Yuki Sugiue joined Sony Corporation in the same year and was assigned to the Home Entertainment Division. He is involved in the development of smartphone applications and new products that work with televisions, and is also actively involved as a staff member in the bottom-up divisional idea contest. With the vision of “making fashion more free and fun through digitization,” he conceived the idea of a digital fashion business that uses electronic paper as a fabric rather than paper to create fashion items with changing patterns. The first product, FES Watch, a pattern-changing watch, has been sold through First Flight and others since November 2015. In April 2019, in collaboration with the Nakao Laboratory at the University of Tokyo, where he graduated from, he launched the social collaboration course at the University of Tokyo, and worked as a part-time lecturer and chief producer to discover and collaborate with student-launched startups. In the following year, in 2020, he also launched the social collaboration course at Tokyo University of the Arts, and started to connect some universities.
Industrial-Academia collaboration with Sony and University of Tokyo
The session gives the audience an introduction of the collaboration of Sony Startup Acceleration Program (SSAP) and University of Tokyo. We have launched the social-cooperation course for the startup incubation for students. It connects 3 universities, University of Tokyo, Tokyo Art University and Digital Hollywood University and consists of training, workshop and audition.
Patrik Bångerius
Innovation Advisor,
Karlstad University
Dr. Patrik Bångerius is an Innovation Advisor at Karlstad University. Patrik is part of the team of Innovation Office Fyrklövern, covering four universities in Sweden, and in charge of its Verification Council.
Patrik is a member of the board of Paper Province, Karlstad University Holding Company, Karlstad University Innovation AB and chairman of Drivhuset, Karlstad. Previously, he has co-founded several companies and during a decade performed technical due diligences on behalf of various venture capital firms, investors and banks. He recently participated/es in the following projects: Social Impact Innovation Support (Vinnova), CRE8® Europe (Erasmus+) och DigiTerri (Horizon 2020).
Philip Gratell
CEO Drivhuset, Uppsala
Drivhuset is a foundation that offers education, coaching, and our network to help students realize their idea. In other words, we help the student turn the idea into a thriving business in Sweden. At Drivhuset we use our developed method which is based on research, called Loopa – This method focuses on strengthening the business model, the value proposition, and covers marketing and customer-related questions. Drivhuset also promotes entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship as a whole.
Philip Gratell has a background in academia and various startup projects and has a passion for innovation and ideas. Philip believes that creating value for people is essential in entrepreneurship and must emerge from a human-centered design that is aesthetic, easy to understand, test and use. Today Philip works as CEO at Drivhuset in Uppsala where he together with his team of business developers’ coaches over 200 ideas every year.
Pernilla Isberg
Associate Director AZ BioVentureHub AB
Pernilla Isberg is a pharmacist and graduated at the University of Uppsala 1993. Pernilla joined Hässle Läkemedel, AstraZenecas marketing company in Gothenburg the same year, and had several roles related to both marketing and clinical trials within the cardiovascular area. After a year at AstraZeneca´s R&D site in UK, Pernilla moved to AstraZenecas R&D site in Gothenburg and hold a number of global project leader roles within Clinical Operation and Global Project Portfolio and Strategy department. Since 2019 Pernilla is working as COO within AZ BioVentureHub – a novel approach to open innovation which allows smaller Biotechs and academic groups to work in close proximity to the skills and capabilities that resides within big pharma.
Toru Tanigawa
Visiting Professor at Kagoshima University
Toru Tanigawa graduated from Kyoto University in 1973. He then spent 27 years in Development Bank of Japan (DBJ, a government bank of Japan). He left the bank in 2000 and went to the United States as a Visiting Scholar of Stanford University. He, there, worked on the study of regional innovation system in America and entrepreneurship, as well as advising startup firms and entrepreneurs. In 2002, he was invited to Kyushu University (KU) as a professor to established and lead the university-industry collaboration center in KU. In 2010, he was also asked to start the new entrepreneurship education (EE) center in the university (QREC). QREC has achieved high reputation in Japan. He retired from KU in 2015. But, he continued his work as the leader of Enhancing Development of Global Entrepreneur Program(EDGE)in KU for 2 years. Currently he is conducting his own consulting company, e.lab. (Entrepreneurship Laboratory).
Leona Achtenhagen
Professor in Business Administration,
Jönköping International Business School (JIBS), Jönköping University
Leona Achtenhagen is professor in Business Administration focused on Entrepreneurship and Business Development and director of the Media, Management and Transformation Centre at Jönköping International Business School (JIBS). She has been heavily involved in redesigning the school’s Strategic Entrepreneurship master program and its underlying pedagogical ideas and has published journal articles and book chapters on the topic of entrepreneurship education. Other research interests broadly refer to entrepreneurship and business development in different types of context.
Mattia Bianchi
Professor in Business Administration,
Stockholm School of Economics
Mattia Bianchi is a professor in Business Administration, at the House of Innovation of the Stockholm School of Economics, which he joined in 2010 from Italy. He has a Ph. D. in Management Engineering from Politecnico di Milano, Italy. His research interests center around innovation management and new product development. Professor Bianchi has extensive experience from teaching and conducting research connected to growingly popular innovation and entrepreneurship frameworks, such as design thinking and agile. His research has been published in highly ranked peer review journals.
Urban Bergquist
Innovation Adviser,
Linnaeus University
Urban Bergquist works as Innovation Adviser at Linnaeus University assisting researchers and students to utilize their research results and ideas for the greater good of people, society, and the world at large. He has previously worked as Business Development Manager at Företagsfabriken, the regional business incubator, and has 10+ years’ experience from various entrepreneurial ventures as co-founder or co-owner, currently operating the main local beer microbrewery which he co-founded in 2013. Urban has 10+ years’ experience from working with technical R&D in large companies such as Ericsson, as well as in startup companies. He holds a Master of Science in Applied Physics and Electrical Engineering from Linköping University.