Summary from the General Assembly meeting in June
During MIRAI 2024-2026’s General Assembly held digitally on Tuesday, June 18th, 2024, several important decisions were made regarding the advancement of the main project’s objective, namely, to work collaboratively to contribute to solving Global Challenges.
The General Assembly, serving as the central decision-making body for MIRAI and composed of representatives from all 17 member universities, voted to elect the Board of Directors. It includes Linköping University and Nagoya University, along with the coordinating universities of Umeå and Kyushu, and they will form a working group and act as representatives of MIRAI universities.
With its focus on Global Challenges, chairs and members of each Global Challenges Teams were also voted in and encouraged to start planning for the autumn semester.
Finally, the General Assembly voted on approving Japan as the host of the Research and Innovation Week, that will be held in the autumn of 2026, the final year of this third phase.